Concerned about a child - How to report a concern

If you are a member of the public and have a concern regarding a child or a young person, please contact the Children's Initial Advice Team (Business Support), you can do this by telephone on 01325 406222.

If you are a professional and have a concern regarding a child or young person, please contact the Children's Initial Advice Team, you can do this by telephone on 01325 406252. Additional information is available to support your discussion within the Safeguarding Partnership Child Protection Procedures.

The Children's Initial Advice Team (CIAT) will ensure that children and young people will get the right service, first time, with no delay.

The CIAT is open during the following hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

If you need to get in touch out of office hours, contact the Out of Hours Emergency Duty team by telephone: 01642 524552.

Remember that if you suspect a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm then phone the police on 999.

Additional information is available below:

One minute guide to Children's Front Door [PDF Document]

How to report a concern leaflet

What to do if you need to make a call


Frequently Asked Questions

NHS England - Pocket Guide to Safeguarding Children [external link]