Worried about an Adult - How to report a concern

Who do I contact?

You may want to tell someone that something is happening to you.

You may be concerned about someone, whether you are a relative, a neighbour or a member of the public. Someone may tell you something that has happened to them or you may see or hear something happening, that makes you feel uneasy or uncomfortable.

The priority is to keep people safe from harm. It can be difficult to identify the seriousness of a concern when the abuse is first recognised but where there is any concern at all, this should be reported. We will respond to all concerns.

Report it

There are several ways you can report abuse. These include:

Completing the Safeguarding Adults Concern Form [word document] with accompanying Guidance Notes [PDF Document] and emailing to: ssact@darlington.gov.uk

Contact Adult Contact Team (Adult Social Care at Darlington Borough Council)  

You can explain that you wish to report a suspected case of adult abuse.

Telephone - 01325 406111
Minicom - 01325 468504
Text 07538 601527

The Adult Contact Team is open during the following hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

If you need to get in touch out of office hours, contact the Out of Hours Emergency Duty team by telephone:

Telephone - 01642 524552 or Minicom: 01642 602346.

Respond to it

All reports are treated seriously. Adult Social Care has a legal duty to make enquiries into the alleged abuse or neglect of adults at risk.

What might happen next

Darlington Safeguarding Partnership has produced a  safeguarding leaflet explaining how to make a referral if there are concerns about an adult who may have needs for care and support what will happen next.

When a concern is reported we will work with the adult at risk and anyone else they would like to be involved, this may be a partner, family member or friend or another appropriate representative. 

Sometimes we may need to speak to other people to get or share more information and  sometimes the police may be involved if the person is in danger or a crime has been committed.

Sometimes we may hold a meeting to help us decide who should be involved. The adult at risk and anyone else they would like to be involved can take part in this meeting, and sometimes we just need to talk about the concern together, instead of a meeting.

At every point the adult at risk or a representative on their behalf will be involved. The adult at risk or their representative can tell us their views and wishes, what they want to happen, and what outcome they wish to achieve at any time. Sometimes, the person may need support from a family member, friend or advocate to help  them decide how to keep them safe, this will help us to plan to meet those needs. The person or anyone else they would like to be involved, will always be fully involved in developing a plan to keep them safe, and how this may prevent and protect them from harm.

For any safeguarding concern, it is important that the views and wishes of the adult being abused are considered, it is also important, if someone is in danger, that we ensure they are safe. It is important to talk about the concern and find out the best way to keep the person at risk or others safe.