There are a number of free eLearning packages supported by Darlington Safeguarding Partnership. Details about the e-learning modules and how to access them are provided below.
Modules on offer includes
- Female genital mutilation Awareness
- Forced Marriage Awareness
- MAPPA Awareness
- Mental Capacity Act (MCA) for 17 and 17 year olds
- Modern Slavery Awareness
- PACE (Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation) 'Keep them Safe'
- PREVENT Awareness
- Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes
- Understanding Young Minds
Virtual college safeguarding catalogue
Virtual College has released their brand new Safeguarding Catalogue [external link] of courses which have been written in line with national frameworks using a multi-agency approach.
There are over 330 ready to go eLearning courses covering various sectors and topics. Please note you may be charged to access some of their wider eLearning courses.
Female genital mutilation
A recent study revealed that 137,000 women in England and Wales are estimated to be living with the consequences of Female genital mutilation (FGM). To address this issue, the Home Office and Virtual College have launched a free online FGM training.
The aim of this training is to provide an overview of FGM and professionals' safeguarding responsibilities in FGM cases.
The target audience for this training is professionals who, as part of their role (either directly or indirectly), have a responsibility for or interest in safeguarding children.
Learning outcomes for the training are:
- Understand what FGM is and distinguish the four types of FGM.
- Identify key health risks and consequences of FGM.
- State the legal position in the UK regarding FGM.
- Understand how and when FGM is carried out.
- Identify who is at risk of FGM and describe the key indicators.
- List some of the common justifications for FGM.
- Be aware of your role in preventing FGM and supporting those who have undergone FGM.
To access the resource visit the Virtual College website [external link].
Forced marriage Awareness
This free safeguarding course aims to raise awareness of forced marriage and help professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults. It explores the warning signs of forced marriage and the right actions to take to help protect potential victims.
Learning objectives for the training are:
- Recognise the warning signs of forced marriage
- Take the right actions to help protect the potential victim
- Cooperate effectively with other agencies
To access the resource visit the Virtual College website [external link].
MAPPA e-learning awareness
The Criminal Justice Act 2003 provides a framework for agencies to work together to ensure the protection of the public from serious harm caused by sexual and violent offenders.
The process is known as Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA). The MAPPA process allows agencies to share information and concerns about the risk an individual presents in a confidential and structured manner and then supports the agencies to work together in the preparation of a detailed and robust Risk Management Plan.
The eLearning session is aimed at all agencies who work with or support individuals who have the potential to cause serious harm to others.
Click here to access MAPPA eLearning [external link].
You will need to register by selecting ‘create an account’ and then by creating your own username and password. Both username and password are unique to you so as long as they fit the requirements (as indicated).
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) for 16 and 17 year olds
Darlington Safeguarding Partnership has developed an eLearning resource to provide an understanding of The Mental Capacity Act in respect of 16–17 year old Children.
The aim of the eLearning resource is to provide information on:
- How the MCA applies to people who are 16 and 17 years old;
- The overlap between the Children Act and Mental Capacity Act;
- What can be done for young people to maximise their capacity to make their own decisions;
- Deprivation of Liberty and 16/17 year olds –an update on developing case law.
View the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) for 16 and 17 year olds guidance [pdf document]
Modern slavery Home Office e-learning module
This Home Office training provides guidance on how to spot the signs of modern slavery, and what to do when you come across a potential victim of modern slavery.
The programme aims to give you confidence to follow procedures swiftly and with compassion.
Home Office training module for modern slavery e-learning [external link]
PACE (Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation) 'Keep them Safe'
PACE (Parents against Child Sexual Exploitation) are providing a free CSE training resource for parents and professionals called 'Keep them Safe'.
It is an introductory online course designed to help teach the signs and impacts of CSE and what to do if you think a child is being exploited.
The resource provides a good overall understanding of CSE with links to films and resources as well as e-safety advice.
A certificate will be provided upon completion. View the Keep them Safe resources. [External Link].
PREVENT awareness e-learning
Radicalisation is another form of abuse and has links to safeguarding.
This eLearning training, developed by the government offers an introduction to the Prevent duty and explains how it aims to safeguard people from being radicalised into supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.
It will help you to respond appropriately if you become concerned about an individual - whether they are a member of the public, a customer, or a colleague.
Darlington Safeguarding Partnership recommends this Government introductory learning, which will be regularly updated.
Home Office: Prevent e-learning [external link]
Participants will be able to download their certificate of completion at the end of the course.
This e-learning replaces any previous e-learning on PREVENT from June 2022.
Understanding animal welfare in violent homes
Virtual College offers this free online course for practitioners to understand the links between abuse of adults, abuse of children, domestic abuse, and animal abuse. This course will be of interest to professionals working with families with pets and will help them to recognise those at risk of physical and mental abuse.
This course is particularly appropriate to anyone involved with child protection services, children’s social care, adult social care and housing authorities. It is aimed at health professionals, police officers, teachers and education experts. To access the resource visit the Virtual College website [external link].
Understanding young minds
Virtual College have worked in partnership with SelfharmUK to create a free online course to help parents talk about the issue of self-harm with their children.
Spotting the signs can be difficult, and approaching the subject can be uncomfortable.
The aim of the training is to provide essential information that empowers and equips parents to better communicate with their children in the issue of self-harm.
Learning objectives for the training are:
- Know what self-harm is and why young people may do it
- Know what makes young people vulnerable to self-harming behaviour
- Understand in what ways you can support a young person who is self-harming
To access the resource visit the Virtual College website [external link].